

This tag is associated with 3 posts

The Perspective of Negative Freedom- Dylan

As with all good questions to be pondered, once answered there seems to be thousands of more questions that are then opened up, waiting to be answered to if only unlock the door to thousands of more mysteries waiting to find answers too. This is where I seem to be at. After a long time … Continue reading

Discussion Synthesis Soundbytes

For those following online, here are the pieces of conversation synthesized by different groups following last week’s reading on Positive / Negative Freedom. Topics covered included political correctness, religion, and the aforementioned freedom: Note: Group six’s share will take place at the beginning of class on Tuesday and be posted shortly thereafter.  

Thinking Dutch | Interesting read on NYTimes Philosophy Blog

I came across an interesting read on the recent philosophical climate in the Netherlands on the New York Times’ Philosopher’s Stone Blog: Attention to the subject, Mulder points out, peaks each year on the Night of Philosophy. Held annually at the International School of Philosophy, it attracts a lay audience a thousand strong. As one organizer says, … Continue reading